It’s a New Year 2022

Written by Michael Simons on . Posted in Costa Rica Charity, Newsletters, Tres Amigos Realty Group

It’s a New Year 2022

At the beginning of 2021, there was a lot of unknowns in our market. The borders had just opened, COVID was still on everyone’s mind, there was a lot of concern about travel and restrictions and Tres Amigos Realty Group (TARG) was starting a new calendar year, without the franchise brand we had been associated with for so long. How would everyone respond? I must tell you; it was overwhelming!  I could never have imagined the phone calls, emails, and texts that we received from thousands of buyers, sellers, developers, builders, attorneys, competitors, friends, neighbors, and agents around the world. THANK YOU.

As it turned out, this past year was one of the best years we have ever had, and ALL my agents had their most productive 12 months in their individual careers.

WOW! Not too shabby.

Tank Tops Flip Flops Newsletter edition no. 209 

As I enter my 20th year selling real estate here in the Papagayo area, we have a lot to be thankful for.

First off, THANKS to our clients for your support and trust. Without you, we would not exist, and we could never have the impact that we have on this community, without your confidence in our ability to represent you in paradise. We constantly strive to give the upmost attention and professionalism when dealing with your purchase or sale. We understand that this is a huge responsibility and we do not take it lightly.

Thank you for always supporting TANK TOPS FLIP FLOPS and our charities, whether it be buying shirts at one of our promotions, or sending cash for food, toys, education and so many other very needed projects. We are still feeding many families and especially the animals., as so many dogs and cats are still struggling to eat. Thanks to all of you who continue to send money and to those of you who also support the local veterinarians and our animal rescues: Patas y Manos and CARE.

Thank you to my agents for consistently representing our brand with class and dignity, always putting ethics above commission.

As my friend Marco says “God Over Money.”

My entire organization are team players, who generously share a percentage of their commission with the office on every transaction. Sure, much of it goes towards paying the overhead, keeping many people employed, and allowing us to have a large marketing budget so we can continue to dominate a major percentage share of the market. But it also allows us to always give back to the neighborhoods in which we all live fulltime, 365 years a year. Each agent has invested in Costa Rica themselves; I have no part timers or retirees who rent a few months a year and sell properties to offset their expenses. They are all true real estate experts, with commanding understanding and knowledge of the inventory.

I personally want to thank Chris Simmons, my partner for the last 18 years. Chris, Bonnie and their family, welcomed me into the Tres Amigos organization and treated me like their son, from Day One. I would never have been able to achieve the success that I have had, was it not for their enduring trust and love. Although I bought them out this past year, they will always be dear to my heart, and I will never forget their backing and guidance. THANK YOU.

People ask me all the time, if I am ever going to retire; relax, drink beer and go fishing like so many of my friends here in the land of Pura Vida. I am sure someday I will; but right now, I am just having too much fun. I LOVE what I do, and I love meeting the fantastic people that come through our doors. It brings me so much pride to see the joy in their faces when they finally own that little piece of utopia. Seeing so many amazing people relocate to our little town, making it the spectacular village that it has become, is a great feeling of accomplishment I could never put into words. Knowing that Tres Amigos Realty Group had a small part in making this area grow, from the dirt and dusty roads it once was, to the thriving economic engine that it is today, is very satisfying. Seeing the standard of living for the locals rise and watching them build a great life for themselves is the most rewarding.

I could easily call it quits today and live a very comfortable life the rest of the way. But then I would have to live within my means, to make sure that I stretched it out enough in case I lived longer than I expected.

Everybody knows that the word BUDGET is not in Michael Simons vocabulary. I have always said, “Do not tell me it is expensive, make more money.”

If I was retired, I would still be able to do some charity work; a little here and a little there, but never to the extent that we can today. You see TRES AMIGOS REALTY GROUP, for lack of a better term, is a machine; one that prints money. What I am most proud of, is the fact that we ALWAYS support our Costa Rican friends; from the schools to their town projects; from animals to wheelchairs; from the young to the old. We never say NO. The residents know they can ALWAYS count on TARG and TTFF.


I believe therefore so many people choose us as their real estate agents. Sure, they see how hard we work for our clients, and how knowledgeable we are about the industry, but they continuously use us to buy and sell their properties because they see our dedication back to the country and to the people.

It is our commitment to the community that makes us the true leaders of the real estate industry, not some logo or sticker on our door.

Building relationships and improving lifestyles one client at a time.

I am proud to represent the brands TRES AMIGOS REALTY GROUP along with TANK TOPS FLIP FLOPS and I thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your unwavering support and friendship.

Happy New Year everyone. May 2022 bring health and happiness and be the most rewarding year of your life. For those of you still trying to figure out how to make it work and join us in paradise, I only have one thing to say:

“Come on down baby!”

Michael Simons   


P.S. I especially want to thank my awesome girlfriend Rosey for always being by my side and putting up with my incredibly crazy and hectic life. You are the best.

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