Are there Churches in the Papagayo Area?
Are there Churches in the Papagayo Area? Are there services in English?
The answer is yes! There are many churches in the area and some very good ones with services in English. This is actually one of the first questions we get asked from my clients so we put together a short list of all the churches we know of in the area. You will find that even the Spanish speaking churches will welcome English speakers and it might help you meet new people and learn some church Spanish. Now matter what you have many options.
Costa Ricans are mainly catholic but there are many other denominations of churches all over the country. There is no discrimination about which religion you practice and you are free to worship how you please.
No matter where you decide to worship you will find a warm welcome customary of Costa Rica.
Hope Fellowship Church Playas del Coco
English Service: Sunday – 12 Noon
Phone: 011-506-2670-0421
Beach Community Church – Sardinal
English Service: Sunday 10:00AM
Phone: 506-8327-9198
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Activation Church – Sardinal
English Service: Sunday – Coffee Social 10:00 AM, Worship Service 10:30 AM
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Catholic Church – Playas del Coco
Spanish Service: Sunday 11:00 AM
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Catholic Church Parroquia San Antonio de Padua – Playa Hermosa
Spanish Service – Sunday 9:30 AM
Spanish Mass – Saturday Evening 7:00 PM
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Catholic Church – Parroquia San Jerónimo – Sardinal
Spanish only Church with very active schedule
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Tags: Costa Rica Lifestyle, Life in Costa Rica